Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What have you learned so far?

Cameron asked--Is there anything we should be working on for this week besides chowing down on some turkey?
Yes, we do. Can everyone please post a short summary on what they learned so far from this class?
Next week, I'll go over the study-abroad handbook to fill in some holes. Angela will help me since she took the quizzes. Also, students who studied abroad will come to talk to us.
Have a great week!


  1. What I have learned from this class; well first off let me say I almost dropped this class in the beginning of the semester because I didn't think it was very important at the time. Now however I will recommend this to anyone going abroad, or thinking of going abroad. The department head for ISCOR (international security) wants to add it to classes that can count as major-credit.
    I have learned about different cultures in EDTEC 350, as well as how to plan my own journey, which I must admit was pretty daunting. Most importantly, this class keeps me on track with getting the necessary things done to go abroad. I have also learned things by talking with STA reps, learning new technology like Google Earth's trip planner, and Ani-moto.
    -Joe Heine

  2. I really like the guess speakers who provide insight into studying abroad. You get to learn a little more when someone from your study abroad country actually went there and experienced it first hand. I learned that you need to have a detail plan on everything from living expenses to class schedule, to play time all scheduled out. That is what I hope this travel design will help me accomplish!

  3. I've learned so much about Hong Kong since I've been taking this class. This class allowed me to take my research to a greater level and plan my trip in advance, which is somewhat hard for me because I'm not a big planner. I enjoyed the guest speakers especially the guy that went to China and showed us pictures. He shared some great stories and good lessons. I like how our teacher wants us to research and network more. She really enjoys blogging and has encouraged me to network more with people from Hong Kong. I'm familiar with more travel and technical websites also. For example: websites like Ani-moto that help you create videos and others that help you create web pages, etc. I'm definitely more prepared now then I was before I started taking this class!


    I have learned how to use Google Sites, Blogging, Animoto and Movie Maker to enhance my presentation skills.

    I originally wanted to study in Spain, but have expanded my traveling wish list to include Argentina Spring Break Study Abroad offered by the College of Business as well as the Semester at Sea Summer Voyage offered by the University of Virginia. I am seeking short term study abroad opportunities. Also, because I am already a business management senior, I have learned I have to either extend my graduation date in order to participate in a study abroad program in the Summer or choose a minor. This has delayed my planning. I wish I had taken this class during my first semester as a transfer student at SDSU.

    I have learned a lot from the guest speakers because they each had different reasons for study abroad. It is interesting to learn about their culture shocks, and also, that you can not "plan" for absolutely everything. I am a huge planner, therefore, it is nice to hear how the "lack of planning" can create new adventures in other parts of the world. I also enjoy seeing other students creative presentations and learning what excites them about planning their own study abroad experience.

    I had the opportunity to coordinate travel plans for a groups of students traveling to another state. This allowed me to apply the coordination skills I have obtained in this class. I compared transportation costs including airfare and ground as well as lodging accomodations. I am more comfortable navigating travel websites and learning about places to go, restaurants, cultural events, etc. Also, basic things as to packing and carrying your passport and documentation.

    I am obsessed with learning about the cultural dimensions of other countries and how people compare and contrast around the world. I think this will help me increase my cultural awareness and make me a better leader in my profession.

  5. To be honest, I thought doing all these projects wasn't a big deal. During the beginning of the semester, I thought I don't need to spend a lot of times and effort to do the project. While I was doing the research, I realized I was wrong by minimizing the importance of the projects. From this class, I learned the difference between U.S. and other countries. I also think classmates' sharing are helpful for me to understand other countries that are not in my research field. I especially learned a lot from doing the Travel Design. It helps me plan ahead for my trip so I don't need to worry and be panic when I go to Italy. This class is also easier than other GE electives; and at the same time, it is very helpful. Therefore, I'm glad that I chose this class.

  6. This class has helped me researched and learn a lot about the country I am visiting. If I was not required to learn about the culture, language, food, ect., I probably would not have researched it on my own. I am glad we have assignmments that help us plan out our journeys as well as learn about others' travel plans. I am not only learning about my country, but many others as well. I like how everyone gets to present and talk about their country of choice because I feel it helps us all get a better understanding of even different cultures than the ones we are researching. I also have decided to travel to a few countries that I previously would not have because I have learned about them from my fellow classmates. The guest speakers also helped me to get a better understanding of what it will be like when I am abroad and the challenges I am going to face. There is a huge culture difference between the US and other countries and this class has helped me realize that. Because I am studying abroad next smemester this class has helped me plan out where to go, what to do, and kept me up to date on my deadlines for applications and such.

  7. I have enjoyed this class for several reasons. I love learning about other places and cultures, and anyplace where I can eat South American empanadas, examine paint brushes from China, play unreleased board games, and it all is considered higher education is good in my book!

    I thought that the various speakers offered the class a nice hands-on and personal touch. Not only were we afforded several different perspectives but we also got a good mix of the different types of experiences. Each person brought to the table something new, or informative, and/or interesting.

    I am also a fan of the relaxed atmosphere of the class. Thanks to MJ’s chill teaching style, the class experience was light and engaging. Thanks! I definitely needed that this semester. As a lit major, I am constantly reading and writing so it was nice to have a class that was less stressful! Having the class project-based and more participatory-focused really helped my workload.

    I have always been interested in other cultures and I have loved being able to share my experiences as well as to absorb the knowledge and experiences of other. I would highly recommend this class to anyone planning on studying abroad, or in my case, for anyone interested in traveling and exploring other cultures. The world is an amazing place and I for one want to soak in all I can about other people, customs, and ways of life.

  8. This class has been very helpful in helping me do things that I already needed to do in order to study abroad. Like applying for a visa, for example. Also, the guest speakers have been very insightful. I have not only learned a great deal about Australia, but a lot about many other countries as well. I also found the STA travel day very helpful in terms of what to bring and help finding flights. I didn't even know what they were before this class!

  9. I want to start out by saying this class has been all that I expected AND much, much more. I almost dropped it at the beginning of the semester to lighten my load, but I am thankful I didn't. I have been able to learn so much more about everything travel related than I could have through my own research at home. The various different approaches we take keep the class interesting and have touched on every aspect of being in another country. The guest speakers are great because they have all talked about a different topic, yet are still preparing us for our trips.
    I have really enjoyed hearing about where everyone else is going and what they plan on doing. My eyes have been opened to how incredibly vast and unique the many cultures of this world are; I don't think i can get enough either. Which has prompted me to look into other travel opportunities until I can make my study abroad experience a reality [[as of now SDSU doesn't have an Australia/NZ advisor for Fall 2010 :( ]]. Taking a page from Rebecca's travel agenda I am seriously looking into persuing a passinate interest I have in volunteering abroad.
    This class's assignments, MJ, and all of you have sparked my desire to explore everything that this planet has to offer. Thanks!

  10. This class has really helped me in my planning process for my semester in Chile. The Cultural report was great because I was able to get an idea about different aspects of the Chilean and Latina American lifestyle. I now have a better idea of what to expect to eat, the weather, music, etc. I found the STA travel information very useful, and it was great to hear about the different experiences people had during their studies abroad.

  11. i actually learned alot more in this class then i had originally thought i would....also i really enjoyed meeting everyone and making new friends. I was able to learn more about different cultures and countries from all our guest speakers, i have also contemplated now actually taking a summer program in asia after hearing one of our last guest speakers commentary about it. I learned how to plan for my trip abroad and greatly look forward to it...thanks!
